The inaugural lunchtime meeting of Work Smart took place on Monday, February 4th 2013. 20 members attended. I wrote up a brief newsletter of the points we covered in the meeting as a record for those who could not attend.
Because much of the advice is applicable to anyone who works, I have edited the newsletter for public consumption and this follows below.
This blog will alternate between my own insights and the monthly newsletter.
Work Smart - newsletter, February 2013
20 members attended the inaugural meeting on February 4th. A number of books including Stephen Covey's "First Things First" were made available to attendees. Lynn Degele gave examples of how we can work smarter when we work together and when we are working at our best, so that we could be effective with people, and efficient with systems.
Referring to “First Things First” LD spoke about scheduling our priorities, whether that was for lunchtime, home life, or to manage our workloads more effectively:
- Putting the rocks, pebbles, sand and water in to ensure the important tasks are completed. More information on this can be found here
- Lunchtimes – members said it was more productive to take the time off, and step away from your desk. Even if it does not feel that way initially, you feel more refreshed later in the day.
- Switching off the email alert notification, to focus on work
- Setting up rules to sort and direct emails automatically into folders from your inbox
- Opening your email inbox at 10am, so that you begin reading your emails at 10 in the morning. This can carve out the time for you to plan your day.
- Start internal meetings after 10am, to allow for traffic and travel
- Building in time to get on top of inbox after annual leave/out of office
- Ensuring we give others the tools to get the job done, using effective communication, providing them with the hammer and nails, and telling them which wall to hang the picture on.
Blog of the month:
Please bring one example of a positive aspect of work with you to the next meeting.
Effective. Efficient. Organised. Professional
What do you consider to be one positive aspect of your work?
ReplyDeletePlease feel free to share one thing. It could be something you find positive about your job, or it could be something that you appreciate about your employer, your industry or your colleagues.